Argentina travel tips – 5 things to know before you go

By Rohini Gulipilli

  ●   21 Nov 18


Travel Tips

Are you planning a trip to Argentina? With eye-arresting natural beauty, massive coastlines, and popular cities like Bueno Aires, Argentina is worth a visit. Well, it is necessary to know some local etiquette before planning any trip. Knowing these things will save you from embarrassing yourself in the country. So be cautious and follow these local etiquette that will let you experience a fantastic holiday in Argentina.

An Etiquette Guide to Argentina

Late mornings are a way of life

TimeArgentina local often don’t start their work until around 10 AM. Forget about heading out to café to get a morning coffee, because it is literally impossible to find anything open around 9 AM. So it’s better to chill out in your hotel/house till 10 AM.


Avoid stirring the mate, no matter how tempting it is

yerba mateThe mate is a traditional drink and prepared using dried leaves of Yerba mate by infusion. You should know that stirring the mate is considered as cardinal sin in the country. If locals offer you to drink, keep in mind to avoid stirring the drink with bombilla which is usually given along with the mate. If anybody is seen stirring the drink, it is regarded as an insult to the person who prepared the mate. So better be respectful.


It’s the nation of night owls

DiningDining at 11 PM is casual in the city as the restaurants open only after 9 PM. Yes, it’s true. Don’t expect early dinners here. If in case you are habituated to eat dinners early, it’s better to have afternoon snack to fill your stomach. Many of the popular nightclubs open their doors after 1 AM.


Specify to the chef/waiter that how much cooked your meat needs to be 

WaiterIt’s good to specify that how you want your meat to be cooked. If not, be prepared to get overcooked. This is because you might not like how locals prefer their meat cooked.


Be respectful and avoid talking about politics and religion

TALKDon’t begin your conversation with politics and religion just for sake of talking. Most Argentinians don’t like it when tourists/foreigners talk about these sensitive topics. If you’re not sure of these things just avoid them otherwise you may end up in problems.


Rohini Gulipilli

For there's no greater love than the love for wandering – Rohini swears by this and follow this by heart. Her articles portrays the way she is – clear and confident.

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Argentina travel tips – 5 things to know before you go